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Electro Voice EKX-18S

EV’s industry-leading quality and testing proceduresyield efficient transducer design and meaningful specs,resulting in components that deliver accurate, linearresponse at the system’s highest output levels.Translation: loud and clear all the way up to the limit.Unified in one of the strongest full-range compositeenclosures ever built by EV.

KSh 85,000.00

The ELX series is designed to deliver anunprecedented combination of sound quality,portability and durability at its price point. All-newcustom components—tested to levels far exceeding theindustry norm—make ELX200 a robust workhorsecapable of handling real-world abuse and professionalapplications beyond the capability of competitors’products in its category.Every aspect of ELX200 is designed for ideal results aspart of the whole – the acoustical, electrical andmechanical components all work together seamlessly.The subwoofers pack powerful low-frequency outputinto a surprisingly compact footprint, and featuretuned 15 mm thick wood enclosures with a premiumtop-coat finish. The proprietary features that havemade the other members of the EV portable speakerfamily a go-to for best-in-class performance are alsopresent.

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